Healthy life

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The good performance of air filter is the guarantee of indoor sterile environment:

The reasonable configuration of the filter system can extend the service life of the end air filter and make the resistance of the three-stage filter system grow steadily. Although it has been proved in the early 1980s that colorimetric filters with efficiency of 90% ~ 95% (equivalent to Chinese high school to sub-high efficiency filters) can filter out 99.9% of all bacteria in hospitals, the latest revision of hospital ventilation standards in various countries generally has the trend of improving filtration efficiency. The Standard emphasizes that Grade I, II and III clean operating rooms must be equipped with HEPA filters. Subhepa filters are only allowed in Level IV clean operating rooms. Considering that clean operating room is a guarantee system, electrostatic purifier should not be set at the end of air supply.

The concept of three-level filtering is a complete concept, and it is the most effective measure to configure the filtering system reasonably. In order to play the overall efficiency of the system, the selection and location of each level of filter can not be ignored. If a link is neglected or the setting of a level of filter is not matched, the replacement period of the three levels of filter will be unreasonable, resulting in poor overall filtering efficiency and other problems, and the cycle should not be too long.

Post time: Nov-04-2022

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